Whistleblowing - reporting of misconduct
Å Energi has a whistleblowing system that makes it easy and safe for employees and others to report misconduct within the company.
Both employees and external parties can report via the whistleblowing portal "NAVEX Global" on the internet, an independent platform for reporting concerns. It allows for anonymous tips without the possibility of tracking the whistleblower. Those who identify themselves will receive feedback on how the case is handled.
Telephone service:
Germany (ITFS): 0800 1800042
Sweden (ITFS): 020 70 8389
Norway (ITFS): 800 12183
Other whistleblowing channels:
Directly to the company's Chief Auditor:
Anne Helgeland Haldorsen, phone: +47 91 61 82 28
Directly to the Chair of the Audit Committee:
Kristin Steenfeldt-Foss, phone: +47 97 52 75 59
Directly to the General Councel:
Tove Karlsen Westbye, phone: +47 95 99 19 05
Reporting via the external whistleblowing service: "NAVEX Global"