SERVER dataset: aenergi-prod
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Å Energi generates big indirect economic benefits by spending large amounts of money on buying goods and services from local, national and international suppliers.

We are after suppliers who can help us to add value and generate growth by delivering high quality products at competitive prices. Consequently, all of the Group’s procurement processes must be efficient and meet high quality standards.

Below you will find information for both our existing suppliers and companies wanting to become suppliers to Å Energi.

If you cannot find the information you are looking for, please contact us by sending an e-mail to

Our guidelines for suppliers

Å Energi shall provide power for a renewable future. We must increase the generation of clean, renewable energy, ensure that electricity is distributed safely and efficiently around our grid, and develop new and better energy-related services.

By acting in accordance with this code of conduct, we can continue to build trust, which is vital to achieving the ambitions and goals we have set ourselves. It is through our day-to-day actions and decisions that we demonstrate our commitment to ethical standards and set an example for others to follow. Read the document here

Please also read our Supplier Code of Conduct.

All suppliers and/or contractors who have an agreement with Å Energi Vannkraft, shall follow the company’s guidelines on work procedures, safety and reporting.

Please see the guidelines for Å Energi Vannkraft.

Å Energi’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) shall be based on commercial criteria and shall reflect industry norms and general national trends in the field.

This means that the Group must follow guidelines laid down by the Norwegian authorities, as well as comply with the principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption.

Å Energi maintains high ethical standards in all of its activities. This means that competitive procurement processes shall adhere to commercial principles, and that we shall treat suppliers and potential suppliers in a professional manner. We expect the same from our suppliers. We also require all of our suppliers to operate in ways that are sustainable.

Å Energi’s priorities are improving efficiency, standardisation and adopting solutions that meet the needs of the Group and its subsidiaries effectively and well.

Purchases must comply with the Group’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy, ethical guidelines, health and safety standards, laws, rules and internal guidelines, as well as safeguard the company’s reputation.

In so far as possible, all purchases shall be based on competitive procurement processes, as well as being traceable and documented. The relevant companies in the Group shall comply with the Norwegian Public Procurement Act and associated regulations. Good contracts shall help to increase Å Energi’s competitive advantage.

Our terms and conditions for suppliers apply to all goods and services delivered to Å Energi unless otherwise agreed in writing.

In so far as possible, Å Energi uses standard contracts for all of its procurement activities. Where standard contracts are not available, the Group uses its general terms and conditions of purchase of services and goods.

Any matters not contractually specified are governed by the Sale of Goods Act.

Background checks:
Due to the guidelines in the Electricity Emergency Preparedness Regulation (Norw.: kraftberedskapsforskriften), Å Energi requires background checks to be performed on everyone who has access to certain parts of our business. In the case of services provided to companies associated with Kraftforsyningens beredskapsorganisasjon, but also to other companies that may be affected, a (full) background check is required before the project begins.

Delivery and delivery times:
Products and services delivered shall always correspond to the specifications in the contract and order. Any nonconformity with this must be reported immediately. Our general terms and conditions of contract include a clause on products being delivered duty paid to our locations. Unless otherwise agreed, that clause shall apply.

Å Energi only accepts electronic invoices from our suppliers. This is to reduce processing times and costs, improve quality and ensure that together we do our bit for the environment by reducing the use of paper. The same applies to credit notes and payment reminders.

We use Peppol 3.0/EHF as our standard format for invoices and credit notes. In order to ensure that they are processed correctly, invoices must meet certain minimum requirements. Those requirements are in line with DIFI’s guidelines for this format.

Submitting invoices
Suppliers may use various tools to submit invoices to our companies.

Elektronisk Handelsformat (EHF)
Most financial software supports this format; for more information, see It is not necessary to submit a test invoice before service delivery starts, but note that invoice files that do not meet the reference requirements will be rejected and returned.

Invoicing portal
Suppliers whose invoicing software does not allow them to submit an invoice in EHF format may use various online portals to submit their invoices. This involves entering your invoice details on a website that then sends the invoice in the correct format to the recipient. If you don’t send many invoices, this may be the best option for you. SendRegning is one such tool. For more information about how it works and instructions on how to submit an invoice, see

Reference requirements for invoices
All invoices must include a reference. The various kinds of reference that we use are described below:

1. Order number
This shall be included if you have a purchase order from an Å Energi company. The order number is a whole number (don’t put any letters, symbols or spaces in the field).If you don’t have a purchase order, you should leave the field empty or enter NA.

EHF reference: OrderReference/ID

2. Your ref.
Here you should enter a 6-digit employee number (no letters, symbols or spaces). The employee number is specified on the purchase order. If you don’t have a purchase order, ask your contact person at the customer (the ÅE company) to provide you with the employee number. This field is mandatory in EHF and must contain a value.

EHF reference: BuyerReference

3. Contract/Framework agreement number
Here you can enter the contract/framework agreement number. Check the number with your contact person at the customer (the ÅE company).

EHF reference: ContractDocumentReference/ID

4. Additional references:
Here you can enter any references that are not described above. More than one additional reference may be given.

EHF reference: AdditionalDocumentReference/ID

Other requirements
Our standard terms and conditions state that our payment terms are 30 days net. Unless otherwise agreed, you should assume that this applies to your invoice. Any delivery and invoice charges must be agreed in advance. Our standard terms and conditions are INCOTERMS 2010–DDP (Delivered Duty Paid). We do not normally accept any invoice charges.

Reminders on invoices:
Reminders from suppliers can be sent to

Send us an e-mail with a brief description of the goods and/or services that your company can offer, as well as contact details (company name, contact person, phone number and e-mail address), to [e-mail address]. Write “New supplier to Å Energi” in the subject field.

We recommend that any company wanting to become a supplier to Å Energi register with Achilles UNCE. It is a supplier register and pre-qualification system used by the Scandinavian utilities to manage supplier information and supply chain risk – and in order to streamline purchasing in line with EU regulations. Pre-qualification here will be a general requirement for selling to and establishing contracts with Å Energi.

Overview of companies and organization numbers

The power groups Glitre Energi and Agder Energi have been merged to the company Å Energi. The merger has some consequences for our suppliers with regard to organisation numbers (VAT reg. no.) and other practical matters.

The merger of the parent companies Glitre Energi and Agder Energi has been completed, while the subsidiaries will be merged at various other times. More information about the individual companies can be found below.

Former Glitre Energi-companies

New company name:
Å Energi AS

New VAT reg. number:
981 952 324

New postal address:
Postbox 603 Lundsiden, N-4606 Kristiansand, Norway

New address:
Kjøita 18, N-4630 Kristiansand, Norway

Invoice information:
Invoice format requirements are Peppol 3.0/EHF.

Suppliers who are unable to send invoices electronically,
can send to

New company name:
Glitre Nett AS

New VAT reg. number:
982 974 011

New postal address:
Postbox 7007, 3007 Drammen, Norway

New address:
Grønland 67, 3045 Drammen, Norway

Invoice information:
Invoice format requirements are Peppol 3.0/EHF.

Suppliers who are unable to send invoices electronically,
can send to

New company name:
Å Energi Vannkraft AS

New VAT reg. number:
882 973 972

New postal address:
Postbox 603 Lundsiden, 4606 Kristiansand, Norway

New address:
Kjøita 18, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway

Invoice information:
Invoice format requirements are Peppol 3.0/EHF.

Suppliers who are unable to send invoices electronically,
can send to

New company name:
Å Strøm AS

New VAT reg. number:
982 974 062

Postal address:
Postbox 1602, N-3007 Drammen, Norway (no change)

Invoice information:
Invoice format requirements are Peppol 3.0/EHF.

Suppliers who are unable to send invoices electronically,
can send to

Information to come.

Information to come.

Former Agder Energi-companies

New company name:
Å Energi AS

VAT reg. number:
981 952 324 (no change)

Postal address:
Postbox 603 Lundsiden, N-4606 Kristiansand, Norway (no change)

Kjøita 18, N-4630 Kristiansand, Norway (no change)

Invoice information:
No change except that the company has changed its name
to Å Energi AS.

Invoice format requirements are Peppol 3.0/EHF.

Suppliers who are unable to send invoices electronically,
can send to

New company name:
Glitre Nett AS

VAT reg. number:
982 974 011 (no change)

Postal address:
Postbox 7007, 3007 N-Drammen, Norway

Grønland 67, N-3045 Drammen, Norway

Invoice information:
No change except that the company has changed its name
to Glitre Nett AS.

Invoice format requirements are Peppol 3.0/EHF.

Suppliers who are unable to send invoices electronically,
can send to

New company name:
Å Energi Vannkraft AS

VAT reg. number:
882 973 972 (no change)

Postal address:
Postbox 603 Lundsiden, 4606 N-Kristiansand, Norway (no change)

Kjøita 18, 4630 N-Kristiansand, Norway (no change)

Invoice information:
No change except that the company has changed its name
to Å Energi Vannkraft AS.

Invoice format requirements are Peppol 3.0/EHF.

Suppliers who are unable to send invoices electronically,
can send to

New company name:
Å Energi Fornybar Forvaltning AS

VAT reg. number:
998 340 403 (no change)

Postal address:
Postbox 603 Lundsiden, N-4606 Kristiansand, Norway (no change)

Kjøita 18, 4630 N-Kristiansand, Norway (no change)

Invoice information:
No change except that the company changes its name
to Å Energi Fornybar Forvaltning AS.

Invoice format requirements are Peppol 3.0/EHF.

Suppliers who are unable to send invoices electronically,
can send to

New company name:
Å Strøm AS

VAT reg. number:
982 974 062 (no change)

Postal address:
Postbox 603 Lundsiden, N-4606 Kristiansand, Norway (no change)

Invoice information:
Invoice format requirements are Peppol 3.0/EHF.

Suppliers who are unable to send invoices electronically,
can send to

Company name:
Entelios AS (no change)

VAT reg. no.:
819 449 392 (no change)

Postal address:
Postbox 603 Lundsiden, N-4606 Kristiansand, Norway (no change)

Kjøita 18, N-4630 Kristiansand, Norway (no change)

Regional office: 
Lysaker Torg 15, N-1366 Lysaker, Norway (no change)

Invoice information:
Invoice format requirements are Peppol 3.0/ EHF.

Suppliers who are unable to send invoices electronically,
can send to

Agder Energi Varme AS is part of Ergon Nordic. For information about the company, contact:

Information to come.

Other companies

VAT reg. number 983 030 092

VAT reg. number 989 198 637

VAT reg. number 955 007 514

VAT reg. number 959 951 829

VAT reg. number 847 088 842

VAT reg. number 995 878 550

VAT reg. number 996 625 001

VAT reg. number 914 496 438

VAT reg. number 914 496 284

VAT reg. number 914 496 268

VAT reg. number 5564786555

VAT reg. number 35521720

VAT reg. number 25777051

VAT reg. number 915 499 511

VAT reg. number 920 441 580

VAT reg. number 929 371 089

The Transparency Act

The Transparency Act aims to promote companies’ respect for fundamental human rights and decent working conditions in conjunction with the production of goods and supply of services. The law aims to ensure that the general public has access to information about how companies deal with infringements of these rights.

Any person who sends a request to a company is entitled to receive information about how the company deals with actual and potential infringements. This applies both to general information and information relating to a particular good or service that the business offers.

Requests to Å Energi for information under the Transparency Act can be sent to

Å Energi will respond to requests within 3 weeks. In special cases the deadline for responding is 2 months.