SERVER dataset: aenergi-prod
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Å Energi is Norway's leading renewable energy group with operations throughout the value chain, and our most important mission is to increase the production of clean, renewable energy.

Our ambition is to become the Nordics' most forward-looking renewables group, and you have the opportunity to join us on this journey.

We have a lot of exciting summer internships throughout the Group especially for students. Through these internships you get the chance to work with some of our 1,500 employees and give power to a renewable future. You become part of a community that is passionate about change.

We will facilitate the green shift by creating more clean energy and delivering it through new and innovative solutions.

Application deadline is February 11th

Take a closer look at this years summer internships:

Take a look at some reflections from last years summerinterns (in norwegian only)


Do you have questions about summer interns?

Kirsti Lie

Kirsti Lie

HR rådgiver / Studentkontakt
