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Guidelines and procedures

All suppliers and/or contractors who have an agreement with Å Energi Vannkraft, shall follow the company’s guidelines on work procedures, safety and reporting.

Å Energi Vannkraft places great emphasis on implementing and supervising health and safety activities for everyone who will have access to, or work at, power stations or drainage basins where we are responsible for operations and maintenance.

In order to ensure good health and safety practices, we have drawn up guidelines for work procedures, safety and reporting, which shall be followed by everyone who performs work for us. The guidelines are available below.

The cost of necessary courses and of documenting the qualifications needed to meet our guidelines for assignments must be covered by the supplier/contractor in question.

Guidelines and online courses

Most of the installations where ÅEVK is responsible for operations and maintenance contain low- or highvoltage electrical installations. Consequently, in order to access our installations you need expertise and knowledge about safety with respect to electrical installations.

ÅEVK uses a system based on safety cards (for electrical installations) to document access permission and other approvals/authorisations related to electrical installations.

The details are described in the instructions for Access to power stations and electrical installations.

Orders for safety cards are made through Permitto, which is a system for digital security cards and access sertificates.

When carrying out traditional construction work at or near dam installations, work shall be performed in accordance with instructions/procedures/work descriptions/laws and regulations that are typical for these kinds of activities.

Å Energi Vannkraft places great emphasis on implementing and supervising health and safety activities, and it therefore sets some fundamental requirements of everyone working on these kinds of assignments.

  • Å Energi Vannkraft requires it to be less than 12 months since training was completed throughout the duration of the assignment.

Before work on site starts, confirmation of the following training shall be sent to Å Energi Vannkraft:

In order to ensure that all workers who will have access to, and perform work at, our installations receive the same high-quality training, Å Energi Vannkraft has developed its own online courses.

Å Energi Vannkraft – health and safety course
(Å Energi Vannkraft – HMS kurs)

Å Energi E-Learning courses:
Our other online courses can be bought at by searching for courses including “Å Energi” or by following this link: Å Energi Vannkraft – E-Learning